whatdoyouseeI’m getting ready to hit the Pilates studio for a few hours of coaching and my personal workout.  Here I am with my trusty Shakeology container.  So tell me… what do you see?  Are you a glass half full or glass half empty kinda gal?

Now… you may look at this and think the container is empty.  But I must disagree, for I’m seeing ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES!  I can choose from a variety of Shakeology choices:  vanilla, chocolate, choolate vegan, cafe’ latte, greenberry, or strawberry.  But that’s just the beginning!  I can do a vanilla mango, strawberry melon, greenberry kiwi, or go wild and do a total fruit and berry fest with a base of chocolate or vanilla.  I can combine my cafe’ latte with chocolate or vanilla… And the great thing is, whatever I choose, I’m getting a creamy boost of nutrients that will take me through the night of working out and coaching my Pilates clients!  And doesn’t that fill my Shakeology cup to overflowing????? You betcha!!!

So which did I choose?  I’m doing a strawberry chia pre-workout shake tonight:  1 serving of strawberry Shakeology, 1 cup coconut water, and 1 teaspoon of chia seeds.  I’m tossing ’em in the blender with a ton of ice and it will all work out to be about 180 incredibly satisfying and delicious calories!  Okay, gotta run, time to work out!