mary and babyLuke 2:7  And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.  She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

The most important moment in all of mankind – the birth of our Savior Christ Jesus… done quietly, without fanfare, in a borrowed, leftover space because there was no room anywhere else. I’m sure this was the last place Mary envisioned as she anticipated the birth of her baby boy during the grueling trip to Bethlehem. Surely she must have been confused, wondering how this could be happening in such a peculiar setting. A smelly, dirty barn, noisy animals, and… yes… stall after stall filled with hay and… manure. Not exactly a heavenly nursery!  Yet she trusted in God, believing everything was working out according to His plan even if she didn’t understand.

Are the circumstances happening in our world and in your life overwhelming and beyond comprehension? Difficulties, pain, worries? Does life stink?  Are you dealing with noisy “animals” of your own and mountains of manure?  So complicated, busy and overloaded that you haven’t got any room left for God’s peace? It happens so easily, especially at this time of year – even without the complications of a pandemic.

As you read this, take a moment to just take a deep breath in and out. Then take everything that is pushing in on you, and mentally scoop them up and wrap them in a bundle, and visualize yourself giving them to Jesus. Talk to Him about them – don’t allow them to crowd Him out. Give Him time today – trust Him even if you don’t understand everything that is happening in your life. Like Mary, don’t let the circumstances shake your faith. The reality that God is God, and He has planned everything out down to the very last detail – with love, for His glory.