Hi there all those out there taking up our 21-day challenge!  How are you doing so far?

We’re on Day 3, and today I am sporting an attitude of gratitude for a few hours of breathing space.  As most of you know from living the same kind of hamster-wheel life as me, it seems like we run from one appointment or commitment to another day after day after day.  By the time you actually get to bed at night either you are asleep two seconds after you head hits the pillow, or your weary body just lays there because you can’t turn your brain off!

So here I am today, actually celebrating, appreciating, and living in the moment.  This picture is of me, cuddled up with my buddy Scooter, enjoying a cup of peppermint cocoa on a picture-perfect autumn afternoon. I’m embracing the peace of an hour without having to be someplace or do something.

Remember – restoration, recuperation and renewal are found in these gaps, these beautiful seconds knit into minutes that you can wrap around you like a warm blanket.  It costs nothing, yet is priceless to your mental, physical and emotional health.

I hope you will make time today for at least 15 minutes in which to gratefully and with a heart filled with thanksgiving… breathe(remember, #nurture900).

What are you thankful for today?  Be sure to email me your photos at [email protected], and leave your comments below!

Blessings for a beautiful day,

Coach Linda