grill-884281_960_720Let’s talk about the upcoming weekend, Memorial Day, holiday eating, and how you can stay on track with healthy eating without sitting there eating an apple, a carrot stick and a bottle of water while everyone else scoffs down all the “goodies” and drinks their faces off, yes?

First, plan to get your workouts in all week long, including the weekends. Right there you will feel better about yourself, and when you work out, sometimes it’s easier to say to yourself when someone offers you a huge platter of Grandma’s Potato Salad, “You know, I just worked my buns off this morning. Do I really want to destroy all that hard work and sweat with one plate of food?” Hmmmm… not so much!

Second, wear an outfit that is pretty, comfy, makes you feel fabulous but somewhat form fitting. Yup, no elastic waist anything or yoga pants. Wear jeans or something belted. Own your waistline. That way, you are sure to feel when you are eating too much. C’mon, we all have been there, and it’s just way to easy to overeat when you are in comfy, giving waistlines.

Third, eat BEFORE you go to your parties. That’s right, eat beforehand. You will already be full, which will help you navigate through the endless temptations of food, cakes, brownies, etc. You won’t be starving and ready to stuff the first grilled hot dog into your face like a ravenous wolf!

Finally, and this may surprise you; give yourself permission to eat whatever you want. Now before your fall off your chair, let me clarify. Do steps one and two above. Then, and only then, mind you, decide ahead of time what you really really want to eat. Be intentional and mindful about the foods you simply MUST HAVE at the BBQ. Then remember how to measure and do portion control (like we discussed earlier in the month). Take the smallest plate you can, and eat only half of what you want. Maybe a hamburger without the bun. Or split a burger with someone. Half portions of everything – max! That way, if you want more, you must physically get up and go over to get more – which helps you be more mindful and intentional. But first, before seconds… wait 15 minutes. 15 whole minutes. Give your tummy time to register with your brain what you’ve eating. Then… if you are still truly hungry (not just desiring more because it tastes good), you will be able to go back and get another helping. However, don’t be at all surprised when you aren’t that hungry after all. Additionally, remember to fill your plate with half veggies/salad (no, that does NOT include potato or macaroni or egg salad), one quarter plate protein, and one quarter plate carb.

On the grill, go for the leaner cuts of meat – chicken, for example. And do the kabobs instead of a cheeseburger. Go for the green fresh salad instead of mayo-laden fatty salads. Drink water water water instead of sweet tea and lemonade. If you want an alcoholic beverage, nurse ONE, or do a light beer, or a wine spritzer – and if you are driving at all – DON”T DRINK! I recommend not drinking at all. And instead of sitting around watching others play volleyball, swim, play horseshoes, etc., get involved in the action.

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday weekend, and come away feeling wonderful that you didn’t overindulge. Remember – a moment on the lips, forever on the hips!

Blessings for a beautiful day!

P.S. Please share below in the comments your favorite healthy holiday recipes, your favorite picnic games/activities, and how you avoid overdoing it.