We are about to embark on a life-impacting 21-day challenge.

It is somewhat “holiday-flavored”, as it is all about gratitude and thanksgiving. So, what better time to begin than now?

For the next 21 days, through Wednesday, December 7th, I am challenging you to submit a photo with a corresponding explanatory paragraph on something/someone for which you are grateful and thankful. Perhaps a circumstances, perhaps a person, perhaps a teensy-tiny blessing that you generally overlook in your busy day-to-day living. I was inspired by the website 365gratitude.com, which was a heartwarming and inspiring project on this same topic.

More than ever, it’s time to focus on the positives and the people, places and things which warm our hearts and bring healing to our souls.

Send your photo, a few words and your email to me at [email protected]. I will be sharing your visual stories here on the blog, and occasionally on my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/lindabushcannon.

The journey begins today. Let’s build a community of THANKS-LIVING!

Blessings and joy for health, happiness and a life well-lived,

Coach Linda
By submitting your photo you are giving Linda Bush Cannon and Cannon Cross Coaching permission to share them publically at no cost/fee, but they all remain your property and you will receive all credit for any/all submissions.