We’re all guilty!

“Yes, let’s get together soon….” Our intentions are sincere, and we meant to reach out to our friends, but life gets in the way and the next thing you know, it’s been weeks since you’ve connected.  Carrying them in your heart, thoughts and prayers is wonderful, but do they know you’re doing that?  Today, make it a point to at least text or email several friends to let them know you’re thinking of them or, better yet, pick up the phone and spend ten minutes catching up.  You may even send an actual card (by the way, did you know The Dollar Tree sells name brand cards – including Hallmark – for one dollar???). 

Another idea is to write down the names of your friends on your calendar, maybe a few a week, and then plan ahead to reach out to them on that day!  So whether it’s planned or spontaneous, make that call, write that email, send that text, FaceTime – SHOW THAT TANGIBLE LOVE!!!!  It only takes a minute, but the smiles warm the heart forever.

When was the last time you received a surprise contact from a friend?