Today I Will Love Myself Enough to Exercise!

Give those muscles, tendons and bones some serious love by exercising them!  The perfect couple for health is diet (aka fueling your body), and exercise.  They go hand-in-hand towards maximum energy, longevity and fitness.  Exercise helps control weight, helps improve mood by releasing brain chemicals that help you feel better, helps you fight disease, helps you get a better night’s sleep, and increases your energy levels… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!* For a detailed description of exercise benefits, read this article from the Huffington Post CLICK HERE

Plus, of course, it feels terrific when you are comfortable in your own skin and clothing, and there’s a great satisfaction in knowing that you conquered your inner couch potato and gave yourself a great workout. 

Whether walking is your go-to exercise, swimming, going to the gym, working out at home, sports, it’s crucial to get moving each day!  Build it into your calendar, and honor it (and your body).  Grab a workout buddy – and there’s a great way to meet Day 2’s Love Challenge as well!

Love your body right this minute, exactly the way it is as you are reading this blog posting.  That’s the first step.  If you want to gain or lose weight, or sculpt some muscles, just want to get stronger and more energy, or improve something about yourself, that’s great.  The main reason for exercise is to help yourself stay optimally healthy, energized and being your amazing self for many years to come.

So look at that GORGEOUS YOU in the mirror, give yourself a hug, know that you are wonderful, and then decide what exercise makes you feel the best and is the most fun for you – because what is your best exercise????  THE ONE YOU SHOW UP FOR AND ACTUALLY DO!!!

*Source:  Mayo Clinic