You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup

Nurturing yourself – what does that mean for you? Do you have visions of lying on some sandy beach with turquoise waters?  A spa day?  A weekend getaway? Some thing or activity that is lovely but expensive and time-consuming and altogether unattainable right now?  Here’s some good news.  You can love on yourself and look after you without spending a small fortune or blocking out enormous amounts of time.  Not that all that isn’t wonderful, of course, but let’s face it, it just isn’t always possible, and usually near impossible just when you need it most!

However, that being said… how about a micro-mini me time?

What? Wait, what the heck is that? I am a firm believe in the nuture900 solution. What is that?  A very simple self-care method in which you set aside/grab/steal at least 900 seconds… 15 minutes… for yourself every day.  A sanity saver.  Mental health moment.  Call it what you may, but carve 15 minutes out of the 1,440 you receive each day for you. Read a few pages of that book, take a brief walk, sit down and have a cuppa, listen to music that calms you down or energizes you (whatever you may need). 

Stretch, move, put your feet up, take a cat nap, simply sit and be – do nothing but breathe and be in the moment, journal, pray, read your Bible, listen to an inspirational podcast or video.  Take your shoes off and walk in the grass.  Watch the clouds or the rain.  The possibilities are endless.  Do what makes you feel amazing.  You will be surprised how recharged you can be by gifting yourself with those 900 seconds.

Comment:  What are some ways you will use those 15 minutes for yourself today? Be sure to add the hashtag #nuture900 to your post!!!