What the World Needs Now… Love!

We’ve focused much of our Challenge on how we can care, nurture and love ourselves, our relationships, and our community.  Now let’s take it a step farther – LET’S SHOW OUR LOVE TO THE WORLD – OUR EARTH!

We have been given this planet to enjoy, but also to care for and be good stewards of its bounty and resources.  Sadly, we hear or read almost daily of negative impacts we are making on the earth. If each of us just mindfully and intentionally does their part every day, imagine what a difference we could make.  Remember, one little snowflake doesn’t make a huge impact, but put them together, and next thing you know, you’ve got a blizzard!

Let’s begin today with some simple ways you can do your part and love on our global home:

* Recycle your glass, cans, paper products, and cardboard. Take a minute or two and just separate your items – divert the trash from landfills and save trees by recycling paper.

* Minimize (or stop altogether) using plastic items.  Use glass or metal containers, bring your own bags to the grocery store.  Stop buying disposal water bottles! Did you know we use yearly approximately 1.6 million barrels of oil just for producing plastic water bottles?

Plastic bottles can take 450 years to decompose. Aluminum cans take 80-200 years in landfills to completely decompose.

www.thebalancesmb.com, “The Decomposition of Waste in Landfills: A Story of Time and Materials, Rick LeBlanc, December 16, 2018

* Use your water sparingly.  Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth, fix any drips in the house — did you know a leaky toilet can waste 200 gallons of water a day?  How will that impact your water bill?

* Walk, bike, share the ride, or use public transport whenever possible.  Two days a week off the road can save almost 1,600 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions a year!

Granted, these are just a few of the many ways you can help, but each person can make a difference.  Visit your local recycle center for more information, or Google ways to act and live a more sustainable lifestyle.  Today, turn your heart from red to GREEN and be a lover of our environment!

Comment: Share ways you show your love to the environment – we can all learn from your ideas!!!

Source:  https://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/save-earth-top-ten.htm