How Can I  Learn to Love My Life?

For many of us, life didn’t exactly turn out the way you planned.  You’ve had some major setbacks, or a lot of little bumps along the road that seem never-ending.  It may make you angry, or you may be reading this and already getting choked up about how this sure ain’t what you thought it was gonna be.  There’s an old song by Peggy Lee called, “Is That All There Is?”, (spoiler alert – a serious bummer of a song that leaves you with no hope whatsoever), where she sings about various events along the way that never really meet her expectation of what they should have been. 

So here’s the deal – you are still breathing, so you have your whole future ahead of you to create your life.

Now before you reach through the screen to slap me, let me explain.  From the time you were born until your most recent breath, it’s history.  Done.  You can’t change it.  But you do have choices about what comes next.  And you can find moments that will fill your heart.  Again.  And again.  And you can rise and dream and craft more of what you want in your life.

Let’s start small.  Create a board of things you love.  I’m not specifically talking about a standard Vision Board, but just a board of images that delight you, warm you, make you smile, and make you dream.  Maybe you’d rather put them in a blank journal.  Go for it.  No one will see it but you, so you don’t need to edit it.  Let your heart run free and savor pictures, inspirational quotes, Scriptures or anything that you want to add to this board.  Only you know what speaks to you on a gut level and touches your soul. 

Take you time, enjoy the process.  When you’re done, you will have written a story for what may come next.  This is an exploratory process of discovery, a precursor, if you will, to a Vision Board which is more specifically designed for items you have identified you want in your life. 

As a Christian, when I have done this exercise for myself, I then begin to pray as I look at the board, asking God to speak to my heart, reveal to me areas of learning, encouragement, areas I want to keep, areas I may need to release.  It’s a quiet and sacred process for me.  Not all holy-roly, just a very special time in which I sit quietly, observe and listen for answers.  What do I love?  What needs to happen for me to love my life more?  Where is God guiding me, leading me, teaching me?  There is also a serene sense of excitement as well. 

Then, create a list of all the things for which you are thankful and grateful.  From having running water and a flushing toilet, and a toothbrush… to materials items, and most importantly, to the people in your life who love you and encourage/support/uplift you.  Count your blessings, name them one by one.  These two exercises create tangible hope for you, a hands-on encouragement, which you can visit over and over as you self-inspire and begin building the life that you will now live.  Use what you have, right where you are this moment.

Loving your life is a choice.  I hope this post will bring you closer and deeper in love with your life today.  Blessings!