Welcome to the February “BYOV” challenge:  Be Your Own Valentine!

Over the upcoming days in February we will be exploring how to celebrate YOU – in ways both practical and fun, covering everything from sacred to silly to social and more, but all featuring methods by which you will learn deeper love and appreciate for the strong, beautiful, brilliant, worthy woman that reflects back to you in the mirror each morning. 

For our first day, our focus is on RELEASE. 

I’d like to ask you to take a few minutes to think about everything you’ve ever heard, felt and understood about Valentine’s Day.  Write down your experiences, preconceived notions, definitions.  Write down the script you have written for your partner about expectations of how they are supposed to act (i.e., bring you flowers, jewelry, etc.).  Write down memories, both good and bad.  Let the words flow – it’s safe.  Allow for time to search your thoughts and remembrances.

Now… let them go.  If it will help, take the paper and toss it in the garbage, or shredder, or burn it.  Release it all.  As a friend recently said to me,

“The past is a heavy weight, so let it go.” 

If you need to cry, cry.  Release your emotions.  If you smile, smile.  Speak out loud, “I will treasure the good memories, experience and blessings in my heart, and I now release all the unhealthy, negative thoughts and feelings about Valentine’s Day that no longer serve me.”

Then begin a fresh, new script for yourself.  Think of February as a month of love, pure love.  Not just romance, but expressions of love that can be experienced by many people.  How can you give love to others?  How can you love you?  How can you create a loving environment for yourself?  

I hope you’re feeling excitement and positive anticipation about the upcoming month – get ready to give and receive love to that very special valentine – YOU!  We’re serving it up all month long!

Bliss, Blessings and Love,
