The Not-So-Sexy But Oh-So-Practical Side of Self-Care

Buckle your seat belts, ladies, this is one seriously critical part of self-care!  Let’s get real – when was the last time you had the following:

— Wellness checkup and overall blood work?
— Dental exam and cleaning?
— Colonoscopy?
— Mammogram?
— Bone density checkup?
— Pap smear?
— Eye exam?
— Hearing checkup?
— Dermatologist visit to check your skin, the largest organ of your body?
— Podiatrist visit to check on those feet that work so hard for you each day?

If I missed anything, please add it to the comments below.  And if you can’t say yes to many of these, WHY?  Yes, I know, you have a gazillion things going on in your life.  It’s hard to get an appointment outside of regular working hours.  The co-pay is high.  I just can’t find the time.  While I’m not saying these are all valid obstacles, guess what?  If  you suddenly discovered you had a lump, or a broken/painful tooth, or a questionable symptom that you couldn’t figure out but you had a family history of a disease that presented itself with the same symptoms, you KNOW you’d find a way to get thee to your medical professional PRONTO!

Sweet Valentine, isn’t it time you stopped playing around with your health and wellness and took care of that body?  That one and only body you have that needs to last you for the rest of your life???  Not to mention… those people you love and love you need you around, healthy and happy!  You need to love yourself enough to prioritize your own health and act on it by getting these appointments on your calendar.  I’ve often heard:

“If you want to see where someone’s heart is, check their calendar and their checkbook.” 

Show yourself the love by backing it up with action – get as many of these as you can in 2020.  Because that well-known phrase is true: 


