One Foot in Front of the Other

We don’t become overweight overnight. We don’t wake up facing a debt mountain overnight. Relationships, untended, crumble slowly..  So much of what happens to us most often occurs gradually, over time.  We eat poorly today, then get discouraged and say “Oh, I’ll get back to healthy eating on Monday.”  Then we binge out over the weekend and feel awful on Monday, and slip back into comfort food to feel better… and the cycle begins once more.  We “treat ourselves” to that splurge that isn’t in the budget, thinking it’s only a few dollars, it won’t matter.  But we repeat that action again and again until we’ve wracked up thousands of unsecured credit card debt.  We mean to reach out to a loved one and spend time, but the call never seems to happen.  We live with our spouse and kids and do the daily life, but in the flurry of activities we get to tired for a deeper, more intimate connection.  We want to have a more meaningful relationship with God, but outside of the Sunday church service that Bible tends to collect dust during the week.

As you read this, is your heart hurting? Do you have that sinking, cold feeling in the pit of your stomach?  Is regret sitting in the corner laughing unmercifully at you and pointing his ugly finger at your failures?  Are you fighting back the heat of those tears wanting to slip out?

Yeah, me too. I’ve done this… more than once.  In fact, more than twice.  And I’m a health and wellness life coach, trainer, and women’s ministry leader.  DUH… you think I’d know better!  But no one is exempt.  We all get caught in mindless, unintentional living.  It doesn’t make us failures.  It makes us human.  We’ve taken one step in back of the other, and found ourselves slipping more and more behind and now we feel like a hopeless, hot mess, broken and beyond repair.

But today is a fresh day. Today is a new start.  And while the mountain before us may be daunting, it all begins with that step forward that you can choose to take right this very minute.  If you need to, go have a good cry, then blow your nose, splash some cold water on your face, take a very long, deep breath and let’s get started.

First and foremost, pray. Ask for forgiveness for whatever needs to be cleared up between you and God.  Ask Him for strength, courage and wisdom.  Get back in His Word.  Then stand up strong, grab regret by his nasty collar, and kick his raggedy self out the door.

One step.

Ready? Now… even if you are trembling, identify your problem(s).  Specifically.  For example, if you are at a weight that is unhealthy for you, determine how much you want to lose to get back to a healthier self.  What is your target date to be at optimal fitness?  What daily steps do you need to take each day to get there?  (For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds, and want to lose it in six months, that’s about 3.5 pounds a month, which is a healthy, workable goal.  Get to your primary medical professional and get a checkup so you know you can begin a new healthy/wellness program safely.  Then find a healthy eating plan – not a diet – a plan for behavioral change to last, and begin exercising at a pace that is reasonable.)  Get a trainer or life coach to partner with you along the way.

One step.

If the problem is money, figure out what you have in your accounts, what are your debts, and stop using the credit cards. I highly recommend either the programs by Dave Ramsey http://www.daveramsey/ or Crown Financial Ministries  Both have excellent free resources to help you get started, and other programs as well.  (Neither of these are affiliate links, by the way.)

One step.

If it’s a relationship issue, find a counselor/therapist to help your marriage (your place of worship might have a list of local, reputable professionals to consider). Clear your calendar to make room for more time with your family.  Make the call.  Write the card.  Set up time to have coffee with that friend.  Make it a priority.  If you are doing too much already (and that’s probably most of us), give a hard look at what could be cleared out.  It’s okay, give yourself permission to not be the go-to person for everything in life.

One step.

You can do this. I can do this.  It will take time, stamina, maybe a few more tears.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help!  And know that you are worthy, and loved, and these failures do not determine your value or identity.  They are simply lessons for growth.

Ready?  One foot in front of the other.