imageEver have one if those nights when you just can’t get to sleep, even when you’re bone weary?  Your body aches for rest but your mind just won’t cooperate? It’s a vicious cycle – you lie there getting more frustrated by the moment, your anxiety level rises with every tick of the clock, your heart races and you become even more alert!

We all experience this once in awhile, and today I’d love to let you in on my little secret weapon that’s totally natural.  My “sleepy secret” recipe, using my favorite DoTERRA essential oils.  I use two blends:  Serenity and Balance (don’t you feel relaxed just saying those names?).  I mix them in a carrier oil of coconut oil, then add a smidgen of Lavender, and rub the oils on my temples, wrists, back of my neck and soles of my feet.  It’s a lovely before bed self-care ritual that takes only a few minutes, but is most relaxing and effective.  I settle down into my very dark, cool room and before you know it, I’m happily drifting off into a good night’s sleep.

Here’s the recipe I use, hope you’ll give it a try.  Blessings and sweet dreams!

3 drops Serenity oil

3 drops Balance oil

1 drop Lavender oil

2 Tablespoons coconut oil

Blend together, then apply