Want to know some essentials secrets to self-care?

Today I’d like to share another way to pamper and nurture yourself – using essential oils.  Long before essential oils were wildly popular like they are today, I was using patchouli oil as my “signature fragrance” as a little baby hippy.  Yes friends, the days of Woodstock, Janis and Jimi!  Years later, I taught the use of essential oils to my daughter – she even did her school science project on the use of them, including diffusing basil when studying.  Nowadays, I’m proudly a wellness advocate for doTERRA essential oils, and use them pretty much daily.  Here’s how you can use three of the most popular essential oils to pamper yourself:

Lavender – it’s calming and the fragrance reminds me of my grandmother’s lavender garden.  You can put a few drops in your bath; use a drop in a carrier oil like coconut or sweet almond oil to massage your feet; diffuse it in the bedroom to help you get a great night’s sleep.

Peppermint – A drop in your water in the morning perks you up; also on your feet to cool and deodorize, a drop on your chest and back of your neck before exercising.

Lemon – perfect in your water (with a bit of peppermint if you choose) when you’re working out; a drop rubbed in your palms and cupped over your nose/mouth to breath in when you’re feeling sad or sluggish; add a drop to your hot or cold tea (in your micro me-time mentioned in Day 5).

There are so many other beautiful and useful oils for health, wellness and beauty.  I’d need weeks to post on all of them.  However, if you’d like more info, further education, and ideas on how to use natural oils for your body and home, be sure to surf over to my oils website at www.bit.ly/cccoils

Comment:  Do you use essential oils and, if so, what are your favorites and how do you use them?